Bloodworks Northwest Laboratories

Immunogenetics/HLA Laboratory

Request for Testing (RFT)

Testing is requested via a Immunogenetics/HLA and Platelet Immunology RFT Laboratories Form. Forms are located on this Web site or may be ordered through the lab at 206-689-6580. The following information must be completed on the RFT to avoid delay in testing:

  • Patient Identification (must match information on specimen).
  • Physician or authorized individual ordering test.
  • Draw date.
  • To whom the report should be sent.

Bloodworks Northwest bills referring institutions  but if a bill to patient is required you must include the Bill to Patient form. This form along with the Immunogenetics/HLA and Platelet RFT must accompany the sample. A bill to patient request can not be processed without a completed Bill to Patient form.

Labeling Samples
All samples must be properly labeled and information must agree with the identification on the RFT.

  • If a specimen is identified by name, there must also be a numeric identifier which may include Hospital number, SS#, or other coded identifier.
  • A draw date should be on the sample but the sample will still be accepted if the draw information is on the RFT.

Submission and Transporting
Send the specimen together with the completed RFT to Bloodworks Northwest at 921 Terry Avenue, Seattle WA 98104. Samples must be sent in a sealed, leak-proof container marked with a biohazard sticker to comply with the OSHA safety standards. Specimens should be shipped at ambient temperature.

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