Am I eligible to donate blood?

Who can donate?

  • Anyone who is in good health, at least 18 years old, and weighs at least 110 pounds may donate whole blood every 56 days.
  • 16 or 17 year olds who weigh at least 114 pounds may donate with a Bloodworks Northwest permission slip signed by a parent or guardian at a BloodworksNW donor center.
  • First time 16 or 17 year old male donors who weigh at least 114 pounds and First time 16 or 17 year old female donors who weigh at least 125 pounds may donate with a Bloodworks Northwest permission slip signed by a parent or guardian at a mobile blood drive; this is to improve our young first-time donors’ experience, and minimize chances of vasovagal reaction.
  • Oregon: Minors donating in Oregon do not require a Bloodworks permission form, unless requested by the donor groups.

Questions regarding blood or apheresis donations, call: 800-398-7888.

Questions About Eligibility

Some health conditions or medications may temporarily or permanently prevent persons from donating blood.

If you have a question regarding your eligibility to donate blood and would like to discuss it with someone:

Medical Conditions

HIV/AIDS, individuals at high risk and their partners cannot donate
Cold and Flu: You should not donate today if you are currently experiencing symptoms of a “cold” or “flu” cannot donate today
Diabetes, on or off medication and under control can donate
Non-viral Hepatitis, previous Hepatitis A can donate
Viral Hepatitis B, C, D cannot donate
Pregnancy cannot donate
Pregnancy, after delivery, miscarriage, abortion six-week wait
Menstruation can donate
Cancer, treatment complete and disease-free; most types* one year wait
Low blood count Read more
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosed by a physician cannot donate

*Note: People with, or who have had, cancer, should contact the Clinical Specialist at 206-292-2543 to determine eligibility.

Medical Procedures

Surgery, without transfusion or certain all transfusions were Autologous can donate
Surgery, with transfusion 1-year wait


Antibiotics (used for Acne is acceptable), Injectable, Oral seven-day wait
Allergy medications, diuretics, diet pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, Tylenol can donate
Aspirin can donate blood, but not platelets
Blood Pressure Medication (most types) can donate


Measles (rubella) and MMR one-month wait
Flu can donate
Hepatitis B two-week wait

Other Possible Restrictions

Ear/Body Piercing, sterile procedure/equipment used can donate
Ear/Body Piercing, non-sterile procedure/equipment used one-year wait
Tattooing, licensed facility in WA, OR, CA, and ID can donate
Tattooing, non-licensed facility or outside WA, OR, CA, and ID one year wait
Travel outside the US or Canada Read more
Donor deferral, men who have sex with men (MSM) Read more


If you have additional questions regarding eligibility:

  • Please call the Clinical Specialist at (206) 292-2543 or (800) DONATE-1, x2543 -OR-
  • Email:  [email protected]

Information about Emergent Diseases

Information about Emergent Diseases [PDF]

You Cannot get AIDS from Donating Blood

Only sterile, disposable equipment is used throughout the donation process, which makes it virtually impossible to contract a disease from donating blood.

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