Bloodworks Northwest Laboratories

Sample Requirements

  • 10cc of whole blood drawn in EDTA (lavender top tubes).
  • Fetal cell genotyping:
    • Requires cultured amniocytes in two T-25 flasks grown to confluency. (amniotic fluid not acceptable).
    • For shipping, the cultured cells should have media added to the flasks and sealed to avoid leakage.
    • We do not provide laboratory services to culture the amniocytes.
  • All samples must include a completed Request for Testing Genomics Testing Laboratory form (RFT) marked with the appropriate tests.
  • All samples should arrive for testing at the lab within 24 hours.
  • Whole blood or cultured amniocytes are shipped at room temperature according to federal shipping guidelines.
  • Cultured amniocytes arriving after 1pm on Friday are not acceptable.

Please send samples and appropriate paperwork to:

Bloodworks Northwest
Attn: Genomics Testing Laboratory
921 Terry Ave
Seattle, WA 98104

Your gift of blood, time or money saves lives.