Our Tree of Life Donors

About the Tree of Life Award

Volunteers who donate 100, 200, 300 or more red cell, platelet and plasma donations, reach significant milestones and receive recognition by having their names engraved on a leaf on a Tree of Life display. For many years only one Tree stood in the lobby of the Terry and Madison Center.  Now our Tree of Life donors will be honored at the locations where they donate most often. Trees of Life are on display at all the Centers.

Donors earn this recognition over years of giving until their total donations reach 100. This total includes any whole blood, platelets, plasma and double red cells, and double unit apheresis donations count as two donations! Donations are not limited to those given at Bloodworks Northwest. Those who give at other blood centers can have their lifetime totals adjusted to reflect their totals throughout their donation career. When the donor reaches this 100-unit milestone, he or she receives a pin, certificate and letter of commendation from the Blood Center.

If you know of a donor who should be added to the Tree of Life, please contact Donor Scheduling. We’ll add them to the growing list (over 2000 strong) of Tree of Life donors.

About Tree of Life: 200, 300 and 400+ Unit Donors

Community. The meaning of this simple word is quite familiar to us all. For the following individuals, a sense of community has come to literally mean giving of themselves. Time and again, year after year, the people listed here have made hundreds of blood donations to ensure that others in our region may survive.

Bloodworks Northwest is proud and pleased to acknowledge those generous people who have achieved a great milestone in their community: 200 units or more of whole blood, platelets and plasma (*whole blood only) donated to the community blood supply.

The Blood Center congratulates you for a remarkable achievement and thanks you! Each donor listed below has given over 200+ units of blood. For these people, community is a way of life.

Current Tree of Life: 200 Unit Donors

Jeff Aamodt Janette M. Adamucci George Daniel Ahlquist
Sean T. Alabaster Cathy Maureen Aldrich Nick Aldrich
Edward M. Andrews Steve L. Arionus Norene Z. Arnold
Cricket Aromin Julie E. Atwood Malcolm Joseph Auble
John T. Baker Shawn Bakker Brenda J. Bales
Alan Barlow Larry W. Barnes Michael R. Barr
Dan Barritt Jayne-Alice Batie Dave Becker
Jim Beckley Carole A. Beecher Douglas W. Beeman
Gasat M. Belo Clifford Benson Hildegard Bill
William R. Birks Thomas Andrew Bishop Tom Blikre
Dean Howard Boender Roger N. Booth John D. Bowden
Dennis E. Bowman Bill Douglas Breitenstein Bob Bridge
Isadore “Brownie” Brown Larry M. Brown Thomas A. Brown
Tom Brown Randy I Brumbaugh Kurt Eric Brunner
Donald Dean Brunner Lynn L. Caley Brian Campbell
James Michael Canon Ken Carlson Louis Carpinelli
June M. Carriere Craig Cassels Steve Cedergreen
Chuck Cerveny Deborah Lea Chakos Ajay Chakrapani
Coy R. Chappell Carol Ann Chestnut David Michael Christensen
David Christie Don Clauson Richard O. Coar
Chuck Colby Chuck Colby Brian J. Cook
Dennis Correa Michael Craig Dan Crawford
Kerry B. Croover Terry Cullen Dennis Lon Dahlke
Bobbi D. David Paul E. DePrez Theodore Dimitriou*
Wayne Dimmig Dirk Allen Douglas George P. Downs, Jr.
Nita Earsley Bro. Edmund G. L. Ebbers Martha L. Eby
Scott Michael Eiler W. Scott Eliason Patricia Arle Ellingson
David E. Ellis Bob Elton Glenn Elwain
William G. Elwell Paula A. Emerick Thomas L. Englert
Michael J. Fallon Tim Fant David A. Feinberg
Mark E. Fenske Scott Ferguson Roy A. Ferguson
N. Kenneth Figgins John F. Filicetti Barry Dennis Fisher*
Robert Leroy Fluetsch Arthur Walter Freitag Alfred Vernon French
Gerald Galland Tim Garberich Richard A. Garinger
Chris S. Gaspard Al Gerth John H. Gerth
Kurt Gibbons Skip A. Gingras Edward B. Glazer
Bill Gordon Kris Graap Ronald W. Grant
William Eugene Grassie Rich W. Green Elizabeth Diane Greenhagen
John M. Grendahl Charlene Grinolds Denise Groteluschen
John Guilford Donald Lee Guzman Jeffery M. Hahto
Shaun L. Hall Esther Rose Harmon Colonel Roy C. Harrington
John F. Hartmann Kimble Sanford Hartwell Robert Willis Harvey*
Peter L. Hatch Irv Haug Erwin Charles Haussler
Peter J. Haverhals Susan Rasmussen Hecht David Thomas Heckel
Elliot Heifetz Steven Alton Hendrickson Mr. Daniel P. Henling
Jerrold B. Henry Michael Charles Hetzel David William Hickman
Michael John Hildrum Bill Hirshberg Cheryl L. Hjelm
Brian W. Hogan Marlene Kay Holkesvig Naomi R. Holmes
Wayne L. Holmes John P. Holt Dianne Howard
Ivan Hoyt Patrick B. Hughes Stephen A. Hulsizer
Robert Anthony Hungerschafer Mark Huston Lloyd Y. Inouye
Philip Charles Irvin Henry J. Iske* Donald Vernon Iszler
Lynne T. Iwasaki Peder Sommer Jensen Curtis L. Johnson
Freda M. Johnson Gary R. Jones Alan B. Jones
Paul J. Jones David S. Kalpousos Nancy P. Kaplan
Roger C. Kellenberger Clinton L. Kelly Douglas Ivar Kerley
Rachel Kiefer Jeanne Stipek Kile* Sharon M. Kinder
Rich Klepac Bruce Klouzal Lorelette M. Knowles
Thomas Anthony Koch Jay Kreissl Given A. Kutz
Catherine Fern Lamberson Healy M. Landis Allan B. Learned
David A. LeFevre Scott W. Leopold Larry L. Lewis
Lawrence A. Lewis Lyle M. Lewis Lawrence Leroy Libby
Daniel E. Liming* Debbie L. Lindstrom Mark Ian Little
Floyd Carl Little Roy Gene Loewenhagen Judy R. Loudon
Russell C. Love Gary D. Lowe Stephen Lund
Paul ArDell Lyons Gerry MacCamy Gerald Magorty*
Howard R. Martin* Joseph R. Martinell Gary Joseph Mayovsky
Thomas L. McBee Neil A. McClanahan James R. McCloskey
Jeffrey Paul McCloskey Christina L. McDade James B. McDaniel
Stephen D. McHugh Sharon Southard McKenzie* Patti J. McLean
Mallory-Jerry C. McManus Richard E. McPherson Tom McQuaid
Stephen A. Meadows Jerry Patrick Meyer Robert Lewis Mitchell
Andy Moretti Maita Lisette Morgan Patrick E. Morin
Robert Edward Morris David Young Morrow Tom Muir
Elmer Neu Douglas A. Newman Leonard Newsom
Tom Nielsen Rick W. Nordquist John R. Ockwell
Dennis Roberto Olivarez Kenneth Lee Oliver Darryl Olson
James M. Orchekowsky Kathy Osterfeld A. J. Parker
Marie Parker H. Bruce Parker Edi Parker
John P. Patella Robert L. Patrick Carol A. Peet
Howard A. Pellett Carrie Lorraine Pentin Eric Pesce
Kenneth L. Petersen Edward H. Peterson Michael J. Peterson
Rick Pfeifer Jim Phinney Donald E. Phipps
Stanley J. Pilon Gail B. Pintler Steve Jamin Pogge
Randall James Polidan Gordon Joseph Polson Richard E. Ponshock
Betty Grace Postma Rebecca D Pradmore Rebecca Diane Pradmore
Dale M. Putnam Darren L. Raab Betsy Racoosin
Robert C. Ramaekers John B. Reagan Russ Reuther
Patricia (Patsy) Carolyn Rice M. Gayle Richardson Terry Ralph Riggs*
Gregg Edward Riley John D. Ringler Jacob Ritland
Frank Lynn Rogers Harry B. Romberg Robert W. Rommel
Charles R. Russey James S Arone (Ron) Healy Sather
Linda L. Schad Arlene J. Schmidt Peter George Schmidt
Gloria J. Schneider Michael John Schooley Cornelis Jan Segers
Dan Sheilds Mark C. Shinstrom Bryan Paul Shiraishi
Dawn M. Shirron Arthur Siegal Walter M. Sippel
Michael Stephen Sitter Nina Ruth Siwek Greg Skagen
Clifford W. Skelton Theodore Allen Smith Susan Marie Smith
Cathi Soriano William (Bill) Raymond Sparks, Jr. Douglas Eugene Spear
Dan Speigle Beverley Faye Sperry Carl Spitzer
Stephen Lee Stacey Thomas A. Steele Richard J. Steppic
Clifford Duane Stevens William Verose Stipek* William James Stoeck
J. Elmer Stone Jack Straub Craig Charles Strausz
Ian Anthony Sturm Earl Christian Sutherland Larry R. Swanson
Francis Joseph Sweeney Giles G. Sydnor, IV Dan Taylor
Roger Russell Theine Gifford E. Thomas Murle E. Thomas
Marty Thompson Arthur Wayne Tinkle Lynn Tissell
Terry Lee Triplet George C. Turk* Eugene H. Usui
Lenard Vander Woude James Michael Vandergriff James Arthur Vaughn
William H. Wakeley Fred Walker Loretta K. Wanamaker
Lloyd C. Warms Micheal F. Warner Frederic Augustus Webster
Marvin A. Weiss Kirsten M. Weiss William Lynn Weller
Stu W. Wells Bruce E. West Dale Robert Whitney
Dirk M. Wiebusch Carol Wiesenbach Greg W. Williams
Richard Williams Judy Jo Wilson Douglas D. Wolfe
Douglas Wolff Robert Bruce Wolstenholme Mary Kay Woolson
Harry Yanagimachi Lanny Ycoy Todd W. Yerkes
Terry M. Zeitner

Your gift of blood, time or money saves lives.